Learning & Concentration
Aids in concentration, mental focus, and helps control tic disorders and anger outbursts
34.99 + S&H
Focus Formula™
Promotes concentration, memory and ability to focus attention without distraction.
34.99 + S&H
Brain Tonic™
Aids in cognitive processes including concentration, memory and attentiveness.
29.99 + S&H
Promotes brain health, healthy concentration, mental alertness and memory function.
29.99 + S&H
A+ Test Calmer™
Promotes calmness and confidence in children and teenagers prone to test anxiety.
39.99 + S&H
Mood & Behavior
K-OK Kiddie Calmer™
Helps reduce nervous exhaustion, specific fears and phobias in anxious children.
34.99 + S&H
Tula Tantrum Tamer™
Helps reduce tantrums, soothe fiery tempers and reduce frustration in young children.
34.99 + S&H
Mom's Magic Trauma Sprinkles™
Promotes comfort in children with distress due to shock, trauma and general upset.
39.99 + S&H
MindSoothe Jr.™
Promotes emotional and psychological health and balanced mood in children.
39.99 + S&H
Soothes irritability and restlessness, and promotes the effectiveness of child?s natural cooling met
34.99 + S&H
Weight & Appetite Support
Promotes safe weight loss and management for children and preteens.
34.99 + S&H
Teen Slim™
Assists teenagers in weight maintenance, system cleansing, skin clarity and energy.
34.99 + S&H
Kiddie Florish™
Promotes nervous system health and helps stimulate and maintain child's appetite and mood.
34.99 + S&H
Child Sleep Disorders
Serenite Jr.™
Promotes healthy sleep patterns and peaceful nights, even for teething babies.
37.99 + S&H
Bad Dream Sprinkles™
Aids in the prevention and management of night terrors and nightmares in children.
39.99 + S&H
Sleep Tonic™
Helps maintain a healthy balance of all hormones involved in healthy sleep patterns.
25.99 + S&H
Immunity & Energy
Promotes healthy immune function, and reduces infection and illness risks in children.
34.99 + S&H
Kiddie Florish™
Promotes nervous system health and helps stimulate and maintain child's appetite and mood.
34.99 + S&H
Ear Health
Promotes overall ear health and natural healing. Specially formulated for adults and children over
29.99 + S&H
Ear-OK Ear Drops™
For ear health and to soften wax deposits in the ears, keeping ears clear and healthy.
39.99 + S&H
Eddy Ear Sprinkles™
For clear and healthy ears. Formulated for babies and children under 10 years old.
39.99 + S&H
For nervous system and circulatory health, promoting normal ear balance and clearness.
39.99 + S&H
Autism & Asperger's Support
MindSoothe Jr.™
Promotes emotional and psychological health and balanced mood in children.
39.99 + S&H
Aids nervous system in stress resistance for balanced moods and feelings of well being.
34.99 + S&H
Aids in concentration, mental focus, and helps control tic disorders and anger outbursts.
34.99 + S&H
Focus Formula™
Promotes concentration, memory and ability to focus attention without distraction.
34.99 + S&H
Other Childhood Issues
Soothes irritability and restlessness, and promotes the effectiveness of child?s natural cooling met
34.99 + S&H
Chikkie Spot Drops™
Promotes relaxation, calmness and peaceful sleep to ease children anxious with itchy spots.
39.99 + S&H
Helps relieve digestive distress and cramping in babies.
25.99 + S&H
Promotes bladder health to help reduce bedwetting.
34.99 + S&H
KiddiVom Sprinkles™
Aids in digestive support, and helps relieve nausea and vomiting in children.
39.99 + S&H
Tummy Trumbles™
Promotes normal bowel activity and healthy, firm stools in children.
34.99 + S&H