Go Green : With Gaelic Dreams
Floral & Imports, Hopkinsville Kentucky USA

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Tropical Plants For The Home

Tropical Green plants are available from small 4" pots to large 12" containers suitable for floor display. Selections such as Pothos, Ivy, Diffumbachia, Corn Plant, Dracaena's, Ferns, Philodendrons and Scheffeleras are commonly available. Each green plant is presented in a clay pot with a woven basket pot cover or hat basket and decorated with ribbons or other seasonal accents. Foil wrapping is also available upon request. ,The minimum purchase is $20.00 and up for decorated green plants.

Combo Dish gardens of small plants planted together and accented with silk or dried flowers are also available in sizes ranging from 6" to 12" in diameter. Prices range from $17.50 and up for decorated Dish Gardens.

Floral delivery orders placed by Noon Central time may generally be delivered the same day in our local area.

Pothos Pole 6" basket $30.00 each
Silver Queen in 6" basket $25.00 each
8" pot $35.00 and up, price is determined by basket and decorations.
6" basket $25.00  
8" Basket $35.00

Scheffelera 6" pot $25.00 each
8" pot $35.00 and up, price is determined by basket and decorations.
6" basket  $25.00
8" Basket $35.00

Variegated or Green Hawaiian Scheffelera in 6" basket $25.00 each
8" pot $35.00 and up, price is determined by basket and decorations.
6" basket $25.00  
8" Basket $35.00

Rubber Plant in 6" basket $25.00 each
8" pot $35.00 and up, price is determined by basket and decorations.
6" basket $25.00
8" Basket $35.00

Ficus ( Weeping Fig ) 6" pot $25.00
8" basket $35.00, 10" basket $50.00 Ficus Tree $50.00 and up.
6" basket $25.00  
8" Basket $35.00

Spathiphyllum ( Peace Lily ) 6" Basket $25.00
8" Basket $35.00, 10" Basket $50.00 each
6" basket $25.00
8" Basket $35.00
10" Basket $50.00

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